The superfluous CodeDown manual


CodeDown is a simple, but very univeral converter between code and documentation texts, based on Markdown as the central format. codedown is an application and command that performs all these conversions on demand.

Code and Documentation

For programmers there are two kinds of texts:

Any non-trivial and serious program nowadays comprises both: some code and its documentation. And because both kind of texts are so closely related, they are often put into the same source text. This is usually done in one of two fashions:

codedown is a universal document generator and code extractor

CodeDown comes with the codedown command line application, which is

The choice in each case is achieved by a specification of the source and target format. For example,

where in all cases "..." stands for more specifications, such as the input and ouput files and other options.

By the way,

CoreCodeDown and Pandoc

CodeDown uses Markdown as the central format for all conversions.

 PHP    \                                                               / HTML
 Java   |            CoreCodeDown                  Pandoc               | LaTeX
 Perl   | = Code <------------------> Markdown <-----------> Document = | PDF
 Scheme |                                                               | RTF
 etc.   /                                                               \ etc.

The back and forth conversions between code and Markdown is done by the CoreCodeDown module, all conversions between Markdown and any other document format is performed by the Pandoc module.

For example,

Pandoc is a truely universal document converter, implemented by John MacFarlaine as an independent Haskell package. We strongly recommend the installation and use along with the CodeDown package. Pandoc has its own command line application pandoc with a very rich set of options. The syntax of the codedown command is designed very closely to the pandoc syntax1, so that both programs may support each other. 2

A more detailed example

Suppose, you have a C source file Sample.c, enriched with CodeDown documentation, an you want turn that into a nice HTML document Sample.html. Besides, you want this document to be a full HTML document (with <head> and everything), so you use the Pandoc option -s (which is short for --standalone). Also, there should be a comfortable table of contents (Pandoc option: --toc or --table-of-contents) and a nice CSS stylesheet integration (Pandoc option: --css=CodeDown.css or -c CodeDown.css).

Alltogether, this can be done with a single line:

codedown --from=C --to=HTML --input=Sample.c --output=Sample.html -s --css=CodeDown.css --toc

That call is automatically decomposed into two command calls, namely first

codedown --from=c --to=Markdown --input=Sample.c --output=Sample.c.markdown

that generates an intermediate Markdown file Sample.c.markdown, and secondly

codedown --from=Markdown --to=Html --input=Sample.c.markdown --output=Sample.html -s --css=CodeDown.css --toc

which is just a disguised form of the actual pandoc call of

pandoc --from=Markdown --to=Html --output=Sample.html -s --css=CodeDown.css --toc Sample.c.markdown

(Note the biggest difference between codedown and pandoc calls: codedown has an --input option, but for pandoc the input files are attached to the other options.)


According to its design, we continue here as follows:


Markdown was originally designed as a way to ease the generation and comprehension of HTML source code. But meanwhile, there are a couple of Markdown extensions and implementations (including Pandoc) that suggest Markdown as a default authoring format for documents in general.

Markdown syntax, part 1

A typical example

Suppose, you want to write some little document, which looks nicely rendered as follows (note, that this is only an image, the links are not functional):

If you create this document in HTML file Sample.html, the content would then be something like this:

<h3> The superfluous CodeDown manual </h3>
  This &quot;manual&quot; explains the ideas and how to install and use the
  <code>codedown</code> tool. It is &quot;superfluous&quot;, because once you
  understand the two or three simple CodeDown syntax rules, you won't need a
  manual anymore.
  However, the simplicity of CodeDown is built on the power and complexity of
  two key ingredients:
    <strong>Markdown</strong>, either in its
    <a href="">original</a>
    version or with various
    <a href="">extensions</a>
    and plenty of
    <a href="http://">implementations</a>.
    <strong>Pandoc</strong>, that comes with a rich set of features and
    <a href="">options</a>.

But you may as well create the following file Sample.markdown, which is much more conveniently written and easier to read:

### The superfluous CodeDown manual

This "manual" explains the ideas and how to install and use the `codedown` tool. It is "superfluous",
because once you understand the two or three simple CodeDown syntax rules, you won't need a manual

However, the simplicity of CodeDown is built on the power and complexity of two key ingredients:

* __Markdown__, either in its [original][] version or with various [extensions][] and plenty of

* __Pandoc__, that comes with a rich set of features and [options][].

[implementations]: http://

and then generate the HTML file from the Markdown file with the original Perl executable Sample.markdown > Sample.html

or alternatively with Pandoc by calling

pandoc --from=markdown --to=html --output=example.html example.markdown

The same effect is also achieved with a codedown call 3

codedown --from=markdown --to=html --output=example.html --input=example.markdown

In fact, the style for the document image above was achieved by inserting our default CSS stylesheet CodeDown.css with an additional option --css=CodeDown.css to either the pandoc or the codedown call above.

Markdown syntax, part 2

There are three more Markdown syntax rules, that will be particularly important for the CodeDown conversions later on:

Markdown for program documentations

Markdown is an excellent format for writing documents!

And in particular: Markdown is also a great format for the documentation of programming source code!

If you ever have to write a manual for some program or application, this is a very convenient format. It is very easy to read and write, especially the just mentioned syntax for inline code and code blocks is very efficient and intuitive. The huge amount of Markdown converter implementations, including some online tools, makes it ubiquitously available. And they not only convert to HTML, but to any documentation format you could possibly whish for: groff man pages, PDF, RTF, LaTeX, DocBook XML, you name it. Besides, it is even very readable in its own text style.

By the way, this very document CodeDownManual.html was originally written in Markdown and then converted to HTML.5 The source text CodeDownManual.markdown should thus be a good example for the ease and beauty of the Markdown syntax (in the extended Pandoc version).

CoreCodeDown conversions

CoreCodeDown describes the conversions between code of an arbitrary programming language on one hand and Markdown on the other hand.

Code <-------------------> Markdown

The rules for these conversions are very universal. CodeDown is a document generator and code extractor for virtually any programming language. In this sense, it is not only a document generator, but a true "document generator generator". And yet, these rules are very simple and just a variation of the same three principles, for every type of code.


All main stream programming languages (and this even includes other specific formal languages like SQL, HTML, XML and TeX/LaTeX) allow the insertion of comments into the source code. These are text parts, that are ignored by the machine, but provide information for Human readers and users. The syntax for comments always works according to at least one of the following two conventions:

Every modern programming language provides at least one of the following kinds of comments. Some only have line comments, such as Scheme, Bash scripts or Perl.6 Others only know block comments, such as SML and SQL. And languages like C and Haskell have both. 7

The core conversion rules

CodeDown modifies the native comments of a given code language, so that there are special dedicated parts defined in the source code:

Note, that all special CodeDown comment symbols (e.g. in case of C, these are: "// //", "/***" "***/", "///BEGIN///" and "///END///") have to be placed at the beginning of a line.

And again, you should not write anything after the block delimiters (here: "/***", "***/", "///BEGIN///" and "///END///"). 9

An example in C code

Suppose, we have a C source code file HelloWorld.c with the following content:

# The mother of all programs

This is the __Hello world program__ in C.


#include <stdio.h>

// // ## Implementation of the `main` function:

int main (void) {
  printf ("Hello world\n");  // prints a message
  return 0;                  // exit normally

## Compilation and use

To compile the program and generate an executable `hello`, call

    gcc -o hello HelloWorld.c

Subsequently, you apply it by calling


It will answer with

    Hello world


A C-to-Markdown conversion into a Markdown file HelloWorld.c.markdown would generate the following content:

# The mother of all programs

This is the __Hello world program__ in C.

## Implementation of the `main` function:

>     int main (void) {
>       printf ("Hello world\n");  // prints a message
>       return 0;                  // exit normally
>     }

## Compilation and use

To compile the program and generate an executable `hello`, call

    gcc -o hello HelloWorld.c

Subsequently, you apply it by calling


It will answer with

    Hello world

The process is invoked with a call of

codedown --from=C --to=Markdown --input=HelloWorld.c --output=HelloWorld.c.markdown

Digression: a further conversion of the example into HTML

Although this is just not part of the CoreCodeDown conversion, let us show how the Markdown further converts into HTML.

A Markdown-to-HTML conversion and an according HTML file HelloWorld.c.html is generated with the Pandoc command

pandoc --from=Markdown --to=HTML --output=HelloWorld.c.html  HelloWorld.c.markdown

but also with the codedown command

codedown --from=Markdown --to=HTML --output=HelloWorld.c.html --input=HelloWorld.c.markdown

(Note the only real difference between a pandoc and a codedown call: pandoc has no --input option, the input file is the last argument of the call.)

Of course, we can also generate the HTML file from the C source file right away with a call of

codedown --from=C --to=HTML --input=HelloWorld.c --output=HelloWorld.c.html

Anyway, the HTML file HelloWorld.c.html has the following content (the HTML text is shifted on many places, in order to make the structure a little more readable):

<h1> The mother of all programs </h1>
<p> This is the <strong>Hello world program</strong> in C. </p>
<h2> Implementation of the <code>main</code> function: </h2>
  int main (void) {
    printf (&quot;Hello world\n&quot;);  // prints a message
    return 0;                  // exit normally
<h2> Compilation and use </h2>
<p> To compile the program and generate an executable <code>hello</code>, call </p>
  gcc -o hello HelloWorld.c
<p> Subsequently, you apply it by calling </p>
<p> It will answer with </p>
  Hello world

In a standard browser (and when the HTML document was generated with the additional --css=CodeDown.css option), this looks as follows:

The --help=CODE option

We just explained the core CodeDown syntax rules for the C programming language. You can recall these rules any time with either one of the following commands:

codedown --help=c
codedown -h c

The answer will be this:

Markdown document lines in C:
| // // ... one line of Markdown text ... |
Markdown document blocks in C:
| /***                           |
| ... lines of Markdown text ... |
| ***/                           |
Literal C code blocks:
| ///BEGIN///             |
| ... lines of C code ... |
| ///END///               |

This is the entire summary of all the CodeDown rules for the C programming language.

A call of

codedown --help=CODE

will display a similar overview for any CODE, such as c, php, etc. (The CODE value is case-insensitive, i.e. you can also write C, PHP, etc.)

A call of

codedown --help=codes

shows the list of all defined types of code in the current CodeDown version.

Another example: JavaScript

Suppose you would like to enrich JavaScript source code with CodeDown comments to generate a nice document. To see the CodeDown rules for JavaScript, just call

codedown --help=javascript

and that will show you:

Markdown document lines in JAVASCRIPT:
| // // ... one line of Markdown text ... |
Markdown document blocks in JAVASCRIPT:
| /***                           |
| ... lines of Markdown text ... |
| ***/                           |
Literal JAVASCRIPT code blocks:
| ///BEGIN///                      |
| ... lines of JAVASCRIPT code ... |
| ///END///                        |

JavaScript (like Java, PHP and others) has C-like syntax constructions, including the line and block comments. Therefore, JavaScript has Markdown document lines, Markdown document blocks, and literal code blocks similar to the ones in C.

Yet another example: Scheme

Scheme only has line comments (after the semicolon ";"). It therefore only has Markdown document lines, but no Markdown documnent blocks. To find out about the CodeDown rules, type

codedown --help=scheme

and we see

Markdown document lines in SCHEME:
| ; ; ... one line of Markdown text ... |
Literal SCHEME code blocks:
| ;;;BEGIN;;;                  |
| ... lines of SCHEME code ... |
| ;;;END;;;                    |

For example, the code snippet

; ; # `Hello world` in scheme
(display "Hello world")

converts into the following Markdown

# `Hello world` in scheme

>     (display "Hello world")

which in turn turns into the following HTML

<h1><code>Hello world</code> in scheme</h1>
<blockquote><pre><code>(display &quot;Hello world&quot;)

A final example: SML

Standard ML (SML) has block, but no line comments. Accordingly, we only have Markdown document blocks and literal code blocks available. A call of

codedown --help=sml

shows us the syntax details:

Markdown document blocks in SML:
| (***                           |
| ... lines of Markdown text ... |
| ***)                           |
Literal SML code blocks:
| (***BEGIN***)             |
| ... lines of SML code ... |
| (***END***)               |

So this piece of SML code

# `Hello world` in Standard ML
print "Hello world\n";

will convert into this Markdown text:

# `Hello world` in Standard ML

>     print "Hello world\n";

Document formats (LaTeX, HTML and XML) as code languages

Some textual document formats like LaTeX, HTML or XML also provide comments. So from the CodeDown point of view, these formats can be treated like any other code language. However, codedown is always thinking of them as document formats in --from and --to options. So, in case you want them to be treated as code instead, you add a (case-insensitive) _code suffix to its name and write LaTeX_Code, HTML_CODE or xml_code, respectively.

For example, the CodeDown rules for HTML are displayed with --help=html_code

Markdown document blocks in HTML_CODE:
| <!-- --                        |
| ... lines of Markdown text ... |
| -- -->                         |
Literal HTML_CODE code blocks:
| <!--BEGIN-->                    |
| ... lines of HTML_CODE code ... |
| <!--END-->                      |

Accordingly, if a file HtmlSample.html contains

<!-- --
### Chapter 6. Writing ordered lists

A listing such as

  1. one
  2. two
  3. three

is encoded as follows:
-- -->

  <li> one </li>
  <li> two </li>
  <li> three </li>

and if we call

codedown --from=html_code --to=markdown --input=HtmlSample.html

we generate the following Markdown text (on the standard output, since no other --output is specified)

### Chapter 6. Writing ordered lists

A listing such as

  1. one
  2. two
  3. three

is encoded as follows:

>     <ol>
>       <li> one </li>
>       <li> two </li>
>       <li> three </li>
>     </ol>

Code extraction with CodeDown

The same CoreCodeDown rules that explain the conversion from code to Markdown also work the other way round. We have both, document generation and code extraction

       document generation
Code -----------------------> Markdown

         code extraction
Code <----------------------- Markdown

You write a text in Markdown with literal code blocks of the form

>     ... line of code ...
>     ... another line of code ...
>     ... etc ...

i.e. each line starts with a ">" plus 5 or more spaces.

The code extraction is performed by calling

codedown --from=markdown --to=CODE ...

where CODE is say C (or JavaScript etc.), and the result is code in that language. All Markdown now appears in comments and the literal code blocks recovered as C code of the form

... line of code ...
... another line of code ...
... etc ...

In fact:

In CodeDown, document generation and code extraction are inverse operations (up to insignificant features like extra spaces or the switch of line and block comments).

This makes source code and documentation formats equal and interchangeable environments for programmers at any point.

Example code extraction from Markdown to C code

For example, let HelloWorld.c.markdown be a file containing this:

# The mother of all programs

This is the __Hello world program__ in C.

## Implementation of the `main` function:

>     int main (void) {
>       printf ("Hello world\n");  // prints a message
>       return 0;                  // exit normally
>     }

## Conversion to C

To convert this this Markdown source file `HelloWorld.c.markdown` to a proper
C program, call

    codedown -f markdown -t c -i HelloWorld.c.markdown -o HelloWorld.c

The result is the proper C file `HelloWorld.c`.

We call the code extractor with

codedown --from=Markdown --to=C --input=HelloWorld.c.markdown --output=HelloWorld.c

which creates HelloWorld.c containing this:

# The mother of all programs

This is the __Hello world program__ in C.

## Implementation of the `main` function:

int main (void) {
  printf ("Hello world\n");  // prints a message
  return 0;                  // exit normally

## Conversion to C

To convert this this Markdown source file `HelloWorld.c.markdown` to a proper
C program, call

    codedown -f markdown -t c -i HelloWorld.c.markdown -o HelloWorld.c

The result is the proper C file `HelloWorld.c`.


Plain code extraction and plain document generation

There is also a plain code extractor, which only extract the literal code blocks from a document and omits all other text. This is done with the code value for the --to option.

For example, for the just mentioned file HelloWorld.c.markdown a call of

codedown --from=Markdown --to=code --input=HelloWorld.c.markdown --output=PlainHelloWorld.c

generates the C file PlainHelloWorld.c which contains this

int main (void) {
  printf ("Hello world\n");  // prints a message
  return 0;                  // exit normally

Similarly, there is also a plain document generator, which takes any code file and returns this code in one big literal Markdown code block, and this is done with the --from option set to the value code.

For example, if we have a file any.code containing this

code or Markdown 1
code or Markdown 2
code or Markdown 3

then calling

 codedown --from=code --to=markdown --input=any.code

returns this (on the standard output, since no --output is specified):

 >     code or Markdown 1
 >     code or Markdown 2
 >     code or Markdown 3

This plain document generator can e.g. be useful if an entire source file needs to be printed and a nice CodeDown layout is preferred over a plain monospace font.10

The codedown user guide

We explain the syntax and options of the codedown executable in some detail. A short summary can be obtained at any time by calling the --help option without a value, i.e.

codedown --help

or its short version

codedown -h

The answer will be something like this:

  codedown OPTION_1 OPTION_2 ... OPTION_N
  scheme, bash, latex_code, perl, python, ruby, sml, ocaml, sql, html_code, xml_code, c, cpp, java, scala, javascript, php, haskell, lisp
  json, html, s5, slidy, docbook, opendocument, latex, context, texinfo, man, markdown, rst, mediawiki, textile, rtf, org, odt, epub, pdf
  --help            -h               this general help message
  --help=codes      -h codes         list of supported types of codes
  --help=docs       -h docs          list of supported document type formats
  --help=symbols    -h symbols       prints the table of code types symbols
  --help=pandoc     -h pandoc        same as: pandoc --help
  --help=CODE       -h CODE          the CodeDown rules for specified type of CODE
  --from=FORMAT  -f FORMAT   --read=FORMAT   -r FORMAT    specifies the FORMAT of the source
  --to=FORMAT    -t FORMAT   --write=FORMAT  -w FORMAT    specifies the FORMAT of the target
  --input=FILE_1,...,FILE_N  -i FILE_1 ... FILE_N         the input source files
  --output=FILE              -o FILE                      the output targe file
ADDITIONAL PANDOC OPTIONS: (see `pandoc -h` for many more):
  --standalone  -s                produce a whole document, with header etc.
  --html5  -5                     produce HTML5 instead of HTML4
  --number-sections -N            number the headings
  --table-of-contents   --toc     include an automatically generated table of contents
  --css=URL   -c URL              use URL as CSS stylesheet

In the sequel, we will explain this information in some more detail.


CodeDown is universal converter between different text formats, and there are three types of formats:

The names of all these formats need to be specified in the source (--from or --read) and target (--to or --write) options of the codedown command. These name values are case-insensitive. For example, LaTeX, latex and LATEX are equally possible.

Syntax of the codedown call

The syntax of the codedown command is

codedown OPTION_1 OPTION_2 ... OPTION_N

The order of the options in such a call is arbitrary.12

Syntax for options

Each OPTION is a combination of a key and possible values. Each OPTION has has a long form


and often also an equivalent short version, where the key K stands for just one letter


For example, a possible call could be

codedown --from=JavaScript --to=HTML --input=Part1.js,Part2.js --output=Manual.html --standalone --css=MyStyle.css

where each of these options has a short version and can thus be replaced by 13

codedown -f JavaScript -t HTML -i Part1.js Part2.js -o Manual.html -s -c MyStyle.css

The codedown options

We distinguish three kinds of options

Appendix: Installation

The default installation comprises three steps:

  1. Install the Haskell platform

This is a easy and convenient installation of a whole Haskell infrastructure on your system. You don't need to understand Haskell at all in order to use pandoc and codedown, but your system does. The Platform also comes with a cabal (Common Architecture for Building Appliciations and Libraries) command that enables easy installation from thousands of Haskell packages from the HaskellDB.

  1. Install Pandoc with

    cabal install pandoc

That simple call fetches the latest release from the huge HackageDB repository. You can check if that worked, for example by calling

   pandoc --version
  1. Install CodeDown with

    cabal install codedown

Again, you can check with

   codedown --help=version

For bug fixes, new releases, comments etc. see the CodeDown homepage.

  1. The only main difference between is that codedown has an --input=File1,...,FileN option, which makes it overall syntax (codedown Option1 ... OptionM) a bit more elegant, whereas in pandoc the input files are attached (syntax: pandoc Option ... OptionM File1 ... FileN).

  2. In a certain sense, codedown is more powerful than pandoc, because it can also be called as a document-to-document converter (e.g. codedown --from=HTML --to=LaTeX ...), in which case the pandoc command is invoked behind the scenes with the same options. But we don't recommend the use of codedown as a document-to-document converter and stipulate the use of pandoc instead.

  3. The syntax of the codedown command is very similar to the pandoc command syntax. There is one big difference, however, namely the --input option, which does not exist for pandoc. There, the input files are added at the end of the call, as the example shows.

  4. There is yet another version for code blocks in Markdown, but only in the extended Markdown version of Pandoc, namely delimited code blocks between tilde-lines, with an option to use syntax highlighting for many types of code. You can use that, too, but the official version of CodeDown does not mention this explicitly.

  5. The conversion was done with the command

    codedown --from=markdown --to=html --input CodeDownManual.markdown --output=CodeDownManual.html \
             --table-of-contents --standalone --css=CodeDown.css

    and that has the same effect as

    pandoc --from=markdown --to=html --output=CodeDownManual --table-of-contents --standalone \
           --css=CodeDown.css CodeDownManual.markdown
  6. In this context, Perl, Python and Ruby are considered languages that only have line comments, because their block comments use a special markup for their own document converters.

  7. In the implementation of the general document generators in the CoreCodeDown.hs module we say that a code language is of type 1, if it has a line, but no block comment. If it is the other way round, we call it a type 2 code language. If it has both, line and block comments, it is of type 3. For example, Scheme and Bash are type 1, SML and SQL are type 2, and C and (Common) Lisp are type 3.

  8. You may wonder, why a literal code block, say in C

    ... a line of C code ...
    ... another line of C code ...

    turns into a code block inside of a block quote

    >     ... a line of C code ...
    >     ... another line of C code ...

    instead of the more simple code block

        ... a line of C code ....
        ... another line of C code ...

    In terms of HTML this means that the result is

    ... a line of C code ...
    ... another line of C code ...

    instead of

    ... a line of C code ...
    ... another line of C code ...

    So, why does CodeDown choose the more complicated version?

    Well, in earlier version of CodeDown (e.g. ElephantMark), the simpler version was the rule for literal code blocks, indeed. But when source code is annotated with documentations, one would often use standard Markdown code blocks for examples or input-output dialogs, and then it is nice to have a custom layout distinction between these annotations and literal code blocks. For the document generation of HTML, this can be very nicely done with a CSS stylesheet, that defines custom layouts for the according combinations of the <code>, <pre> and <blockquote> tags.

    In the browser view of the example of C code the literal block appears with a border around the grey block, and ordinary code blocks have only a grey background.

    By the way, in Haskell, this choice has another advantage, namely that these literal code blocks comply with the "Bird tracks" syntax for literate comments.

  9. As mentioned in the core conversion rules, we recommend not to add anything after the delimiters for CodeDown blocks, and use an entire line instead. The first reason for this rule is its simplicity. Another reason is that writing code after literal block delimiters has different effects for different code languages.

    In case the code language has line comments, the literal block delimiters are by default chosen to be line comments, too, and that would thus allow to add comments. For example, the C code of the form

    ... first line of C code ...
    ... second line of C code ...

    could be modified to

    ///BEGIN/// Now comes my precious piece of code:
    ... first line of C code ...
    ... second line of C code ...
    ///END/// So far for my precious piece of code.

    and the C-to-Markdown conversion would still produce exactly the same result.

    But if the code language doesn't have line comments, the literal block delimiters have to be block comments, and anything after the delimiters must be proper code. For example, SML only has block comments (between "(*" and "*)") and its literal block delimiters are "(***BEGIN***)" and "(***END***)". If we add any text after the "(***BEGIN***)" on the same line, this text would have to be code, different to say C.

    So, in order to use general conventions for all code languages alike:

    Don't write anything after CodeDown block delimiters!

  10. The according call is e.g.

    codedown --from=code --to=html --input=any.code --output=any.code.html --css=CodeDown.css
  11. PDF output is generated via LaTeX and is supported with the markdown2pdf wrapper, included in the Pandoc installation. By using codedown, all this is done automatically. For example, calling codedown -f markdown -t pdf -i example.markdown -o example.pdf should work just fine.

  12. To be precise, the order of the options in a codedown call is not entirely arbitrary, namely in case you specify the same option several times. But this is never intended and average users will avoid doing that, anyway.

  13. As it is common for one-letter UNIX command options without values, these one-letter flags can be condensed into a single one. For example, in UNIX, a call of ls -A -l -r -R -S is equivalent to ls -AlrRS. This works in CodeDown and Pandoc, too, but the time and space to mention this is probably not worth the time that can be saved when using these abbreviations.